Saturday, March 10, 2012

Family Game Night

So today, I filled most of my day is math homework.
I have a very busy schedule when it comes to school, what I will usually do it put off my math until the last minute, which usually is the weekend. I dread math, but at the same time, its fun if I know what I'm doing.

Tonight was family game night.

We started with a game of Our favorite, Apples to Apples. My family is very whats the word.... Thoughtful, and expressing. I love family game nights, even though most of the stuff they have references to, I have NO idea what they are talking about, its fun to hear the jokes they make after it.

For instance, tonight my husband told them a joke, I gave this to him first, he is just better at telling it. So, this man walks into a third story bar. He goes and sits at the bar and orders a drink from the bartender, this man who was sitting next to him, then gets up and runs for the window and jumps out, the man at the bar baffled at what he saw, asked the bartender, the bartender did nothing but stare down and clean his glasses. The same man who just jumped out of the window comes back into the bar, sits down orders another drink, chugs it, and again runs for the windown and jumps out. The man again startled by what he is seeing yells at the bartender, "That man just jumped out the window, did you see that!!!" Bartender again says nothing, and tends to the cleaning of his glasses. A few minutes later the same man who jumped out of the window comes and sits back down at the bar, the other man curious to know whats going on asks him, "What are you drinking and what are you doing?" The man says," its called a floatie, you chug it fast enough you can jump out the window and won't die." Believing this man orders the same drink, runs and jumps out of the window, and SPLAT on the ground he goes. The bartender says to the other man, " You know superman, your such an asshole when your drunk!"

We ended the night playing Liars dice.

Another family favorite

And then eating some Blackberry Cobbler, made by my magnificent mother-in-law.

Tonight is Daylight savings, SPRING AHEAD!!!
Soon, instead of midnight, it will really be 1 AM.
So, I guess its time for me to crawl into bed, and listen to the rain, snuggle my husband, tomorrow comes soon enough, then its back to math homework, have alot to finish before tomorrow night.

Good Night Everyone!! (:

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