Thursday, March 15, 2012


Why are some people arrogant? Do they have so much desire to be always right that they need to put people down in the process? Today's life lesson is arrogance.

I guess with arrogance comes stupidity. With Stupidity, comes weakness. When you come down to the root cause of arrogance, you look at someones weakness. There is something inside them that is causing them to be this way, they are weak. I know how hard it may be to hinder away from them, to cause an uproar of your feelings to rebuck theirs, let them be. Because arrogance can only be fed with stupidity. so it is better to look the fool, then to speak up and remove all doubt. Let them be, state your opinion, but honestly, do not create drama. Do not attempt to create an argument. Let your opinion be heard and stated, and leave it at that.

I am not really good with this, but it is a work in progress. I know that I do not need drama, but I always hate having the last word. My husband recently has been working with me on this. To show me that I don't need to have the last word in an "argumental debate" Because usually the last words is the person looking stupid enough to try to be have the last words. So, I would rather be the adult in a situation, and walk away. Don't linger or hold on to something that isnt worth it. People will be people, arrogance will always be there, just remember not to feed into it.

So today's quote is:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Remember as you start your day, do not be the arrogant fool. RESPECT yourself, you will earn it, and people will Respect you in return.

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