Thursday, March 22, 2012

Teenage Pregnancy

I recently had to write an argumental essay for my writing class, and I felt like I should post it on here for you to read.. This is my view on Teenage Pregnancy, and how I see it. (:

Stand Up!

             As a young girl, I often would dream about becoming a mom when I grew up.  But when I turned 17, my dream was broken.  I found myself pregnant.  When I was young I had imagined that I would graduate from high school, finish college with my degree in law and then be married and have children.  I never considered having a child at an earlier time as taboo; I just never thought it would happen at 17. Although teen pregnancy rates are declining, the numbers are still very high.  It is no longer outside the norm for a 15 or 16 year old to have a child.  Even with the acceptance of teen pregnancies, there is still an undercurrent of darkness that shrouds this young mom-to-be.  It is the ridiculing and bullying.  Snide remarks, leers and stares as you walk by.  Feelings like you are the only one enduring this.  But it happens to others who find themselves pregnant as teens. What most people do not understand is that being a good parent doesn’t come from age, it comes from knowledge, given being a child yourself; you may not begin with the knowledge needed to be a successful parent, although you can gain it, and use it.

            Statistics show that there has been a decline in teenage pregnancy, but the number still remains high, with about 820,000 teens a year that become pregnant. That is saying that 34% of teen mom’s become pregnant before the age of 20. That is a large amount, with sadly only one-third of those teenagers completing high school. (  This is largely due to bullying and ridiculing in schools. Teen moms are not treated the same as anyone else in high school. Many schools who have established a “Teen Parent Program” will require that teen mom to break away from their high school and demand that they attend that “Teen Parent Program”, forcing more separation and difference between the teen mom and her peers. Social media sites such as Facebook are one venue for the ridiculing of ones choices or behaviors. “Friends” who say, “She is only 15, and is pregnant, she only got pregnant because she wanted to keep her boyfriend.” In fact, statistics show that over 80% of teen pregnancies are unintended. ( 

It is odd that even in the growing environment of acceptance toward teen pregnancy that bullying would continue.  The whispers, “Is she pregnant?”, “What a slut, she got knocked up!” will set the tone for the pregnancy.  Shame and humiliation can weigh you down.  It’s not self-imposed; it comes from students in the hallways of the great American high school where tolerance of life choices are to be accepted. It is hard for peers to look past the age factor when it comes to teen pregnancies, but their pregnancy is the same as someone say in their mid-twenties. Yes, they may not be married, they may not have graduated yet, but with all the publicity that media puts into teen pregnancies, it makes it look like they are socially acceptable, and tolerable.

The irony is that the media has created a growing environment for encouraging teen pregnancies.  “16 & Pregnant” is just one example of media usage. This show is promoting the acceptance of teenage pregnancy. 16 & pregnant, is a show that takes girls in the age groups of 14-19 and show their walk through pregnancy to the world. Another example of media that is shown as teens to be accepted through pregnancy is “Teen Mom”. This television show is portraying that life as a pregnant teen, comes with acceptance. That socially, you will not be ridiculed or bullied because it is ok to be pregnant at a younger age. These two shows are great examples of the environment promoting teen pregnancy. Not only are they promoting it, but showing all the wrong aspects of the real horrors of school life with teen pregnancy. You will be bullied throughout your pregnancy.

The taunts continue throughout the pregnancy.  At times, I wondered, “Would leprosy have been easier?”  Because I was made to feel like a leper.  I was cast out and looked down upon.  Even by the father of my child.  There is a double standard.  I was rejected, he was accepted. I had lost all of my friends, I was alone. I was scared, I was humiliated, ridiculed, I never knew what people said about me behind my back, I never knew what people thought about me, but inside, I felt like a whore, at school no one made me feel otherwise.

It was 5 days past my 17th birthday when I found out I was pregnant. So many emotions ran through my head, I was terrified, and I was so vulnerable and just needed someone there to hold my hand and tell me everything was going to be ok. I had lost all of my friends; I had lost any love a boy professed to me at one time. The one thing that I did have, that most do not, is I had drive, I had ambition, I was determined. I did graduate from high school with my 5 month old daughter in the stands staring down at me; I walked with courage and walked with dignity proving that all it took was one person to tell me I could do it. My mom was that one person; no one else had any decency to hold up to a promise of “friends forever”.

So who are we to judge a person’s life in their teenage pregnancy? We can be the difference in their life, and we can help them. Someone very wise and close to me once told me, that it only takes one person to be the support they need, it only takes one person to say, “I’m here for you.” So, instead of ridiculing, or bullying this person, instead of kicking them when their down, stand up with them, hold their hand, be their voice, because at this point in their life, they are so vulnerable to every attack, and need someone there, so be their shield.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Today, my family and I were at outdoor in. While Nevaeh was playing and we were enjoying delicious pizza, I glance over at a slightly larger young girl, she was very pretty, and she was filling her mouth with salad, as everyone else around her had a plate full of pizza. I felt sympathy for this girl, not because she was heavier, but because she was cast out. We as parents have an obligation to our children, to teach them that each and every person is loved by God. No matter the size, no matter the color, no matter the sex. There are bullies because children are taught at a young age that people look different, and that because they look different, they aren't the same as you. Where, people are not that different. We all have the same feelings, people may show them differently, but when it comes down to it, we are all children of God.

I do not believe in starving your child because they may be heavier, or considered obiese, I do not believe to plainly give them everything they want to eat, I believe you can give them healthy food. If you are sitting down for a family dinner, and everyone is eating pizza, except for one person who is forced to have something different because pizza isnt healthy for them, Well, would'nt that constitute the same for you?.. That it is unhealthy for everyone?.. You are in fact teaching you child to cast people out, to treat people different, and it is ok to do that, Everyone has feelings, and after awhile what you taught your child will come to haunt them, and ridicule them, feeling that it was their fault they look different then the "pretty thin" girl, or the "Fit muscular" guy over there.

I am not thin, I AM happy though. I do not eat healthy all the time, but I am myself. I have accepted who I am and am very content in my life. There will always be people who believe otherwise, or feels I need to look a certain way because it may make people like me more. But who are you to stand there and tell me how to run my life?

So Todays quote is:

“I think fitting in is highly overrated. I’d rather just fit out... Fitting out means being who you are, even when people insist that you have to change. Fitting out means taking up space, not apologizing for yourself, and not agreeing with those who seek to label you with stereotypes.”

So the next time you look at a little girl or boy who needs a friend because they have been casted out for looking different, be their friend.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Money is not everything

Today's Life lesson is Money.

Why do some people think money is everthing? Maybe its the expression money can buy happiness?... Well, for some people money is everything. Well, look past money, money is not everything. At lifes end, do we count back all the money we have in our bank accounts? Do we say goodbye to our money in a last minute breath? NO! We say goodbye to the ones we love. Granted, money is needed for things, but you don't have to base your judgement on someone because they do not have money, or that they may spend money unwisely, or even that they done make more money then you. It is not all about money. Have a little standard, there are so many better things to put first in your life then money.

I have a little trouble with this aspect, I am learning, My husband says, "Somehow we always make it" no matter how little we may have, we always make it, because we do not rely on the amount of money we have. Don't make money your social standard. Stop looking to others for money. Rely on yourself. I am not saying to go blow all your money and hope for the best in the end, I'm saying not to make your day about it. I have recently come to this realization, and am very happy to say that in this last month, I am finally getting it. I'm no longer stressed about the fact that we may not have as much money as we could, but I'm ok with that. I have what I want, and am happy with it.

So todays quote is:
“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” Albert Einstein

So, the next time you open your wallet and decide to buy something, do it with a little more ease, money is not everything.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Why are some people arrogant? Do they have so much desire to be always right that they need to put people down in the process? Today's life lesson is arrogance.

I guess with arrogance comes stupidity. With Stupidity, comes weakness. When you come down to the root cause of arrogance, you look at someones weakness. There is something inside them that is causing them to be this way, they are weak. I know how hard it may be to hinder away from them, to cause an uproar of your feelings to rebuck theirs, let them be. Because arrogance can only be fed with stupidity. so it is better to look the fool, then to speak up and remove all doubt. Let them be, state your opinion, but honestly, do not create drama. Do not attempt to create an argument. Let your opinion be heard and stated, and leave it at that.

I am not really good with this, but it is a work in progress. I know that I do not need drama, but I always hate having the last word. My husband recently has been working with me on this. To show me that I don't need to have the last word in an "argumental debate" Because usually the last words is the person looking stupid enough to try to be have the last words. So, I would rather be the adult in a situation, and walk away. Don't linger or hold on to something that isnt worth it. People will be people, arrogance will always be there, just remember not to feed into it.

So today's quote is:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Remember as you start your day, do not be the arrogant fool. RESPECT yourself, you will earn it, and people will Respect you in return.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


So, this morning was kinda crazy. First of all, the time changed 1 hour ahead today, which threw us all out of the loop. Woke up very late this morning, and we didn't want to get out of bed at all. Rob & I had lots of homework to finish before the night was over to have a clean slate tomorrow morning.

We started out the afternoon, with lunch with family. We went to The Blue Heron. Today we celebrated Dave's birthday (my father-in-law). I had a Blackended Salmon sandwhich. Not too sure how I felt about it, was definatly new for me.. I did however have to smother it with Ketchup to make it edible, but that doesn't take away the fun I always have with my in-laws! I sure do love my family!

This is Rob and I hard at work on our homework, I had Math to finish, which took a lot of the day to finish, and Rob had Database to do. Wow, definatly time consuming... I must say I hate math!

While we were doing homework, Nevaeh decided to wrap herself up into a Caccoon, and watch the Jungle Book. Ahhh, Childhood memories, I couldn't help but sing along to the songs (:

To finish my day, I had to have some of the last blackberry cobbler before it was all gone (:

Now, as the night is coming to an end, I feel happy, I scored a 85% on my math test for this week, and Finals are just around the corner. A little Nervous about my history final, but I'm hoping I will do ok!

Nightly Quote-
" You never know what you got till it's gone, Toilet paper is a great example of this."

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Family Game Night

So today, I filled most of my day is math homework.
I have a very busy schedule when it comes to school, what I will usually do it put off my math until the last minute, which usually is the weekend. I dread math, but at the same time, its fun if I know what I'm doing.

Tonight was family game night.

We started with a game of Our favorite, Apples to Apples. My family is very whats the word.... Thoughtful, and expressing. I love family game nights, even though most of the stuff they have references to, I have NO idea what they are talking about, its fun to hear the jokes they make after it.

For instance, tonight my husband told them a joke, I gave this to him first, he is just better at telling it. So, this man walks into a third story bar. He goes and sits at the bar and orders a drink from the bartender, this man who was sitting next to him, then gets up and runs for the window and jumps out, the man at the bar baffled at what he saw, asked the bartender, the bartender did nothing but stare down and clean his glasses. The same man who just jumped out of the window comes back into the bar, sits down orders another drink, chugs it, and again runs for the windown and jumps out. The man again startled by what he is seeing yells at the bartender, "That man just jumped out the window, did you see that!!!" Bartender again says nothing, and tends to the cleaning of his glasses. A few minutes later the same man who jumped out of the window comes and sits back down at the bar, the other man curious to know whats going on asks him, "What are you drinking and what are you doing?" The man says," its called a floatie, you chug it fast enough you can jump out the window and won't die." Believing this man orders the same drink, runs and jumps out of the window, and SPLAT on the ground he goes. The bartender says to the other man, " You know superman, your such an asshole when your drunk!"

We ended the night playing Liars dice.

Another family favorite

And then eating some Blackberry Cobbler, made by my magnificent mother-in-law.

Tonight is Daylight savings, SPRING AHEAD!!!
Soon, instead of midnight, it will really be 1 AM.
So, I guess its time for me to crawl into bed, and listen to the rain, snuggle my husband, tomorrow comes soon enough, then its back to math homework, have alot to finish before tomorrow night.

Good Night Everyone!! (:

Hello (:

Hello everyone. I am new to the "blogging" world. I have had a facebook for some time now, and myspace before that. I am here to introduce myself, and to see how things are.

I'll start out with my husband. This is Rob Osborn. He is an amazing and wonderful man, he is loving and caring, and very wise. We have been together almost 4 years, and this may will be married for 1 year. Rob is very hard drivin, and teaches me new and exciting things everyday. He pushes me harder than any I know, but I love that about him, I love that he is showing me I can be whoever I want to be in this world. He is an amazing father, and has helped so much in the raising of our Amazing daughter, Nevaeh.

This is Nevaeh Faye-Marie Osborn. She is 4 years old and was born Feb 3rd. She is very bright for her age, and every day surprises us with something new. I am so blessed to say she is my daughter, and I thank God for her every day. I would not be who I am today, without the constant love that she gives me.

This is me. My name is Ariel Osborn. I am 21 years old, I'll be 22 in June. I am attending College right now to become a Elementary School Teacher. Right now I am working on a transfer degree at SWOCC and plan to attend Southern Oregon University thus after. I have big dreams for myself, but right now, I'm taking it day by day, being a wife, and a mother is hard at times, but that does not take away the love I have from doing it.